Monday, March 5, 2012

After the Independence ...

    When Burma was independent, it was a constitutional democracy; it elected their own parliament and an independent judiciary. (2) But even after independence, Burma had problems such as, power struggles, mistrust between leaders, and unhappy minorities.
Because of these problems, people started to protest against U Nu's rule. Moreover, these protests lead to the split between U Nu’s followers and the AFPFL group in the government.  While most people protested for the end of U Nu's rule also, at the same time, the minorities fought for their equality and independence. Which resulted to U Nu asking General Ne Win to set up a temporary military rule. (1)

    Therefore, Ne Win took the role of a caretaker, until everything was back in order. (6) His actions aided U Nu's effort to become prime minister again. But still, U Nu couldn't control the political and ethnical disputes. In the end, a military coup overthrew U Nu. (5) Ne Win took over U Nu's position, he got rid of the constitution, and set up a revolutionary council of military leaders. Ne Win also wanted to make Burma a socialist country. Therefore, he ruled indirectly by a constitutional dictatorship, and under the name of the revolutionary council (RC). (2) Ne Win hand-picked military officers to form the RC. 

    Ne Win also formed the Burmese Socialist Program Party (BSPP). BSPP took strict control of the economy which lead to the crash of the market. He also rejected all foreign aid, and didn't allow tourists to travel in and out of Burma. He also blocked foreign and national press from informing the public about the government's political decisions. Moreover, he closed down privately owned newspapers and schools, and the government ordered the military force to stop all protests  (1) As a result, about 3,000 people were killed by military force and more then 10,000 students fled into the hills and border areas. 

   Many Burmese people left the country entirely. Even Buddhist monks were involved in the protests. The monks were beaten, arrested, and even disrobed. The Burmese army raided, ransacked, and closed down monasteries. (5) In March 2, 1972, Burma adopted a new constitution, which created the ideal socialist country and gave Ne Win the title of president. Therefore, Ne Win became less strict on farming, and slowly allowed tourists and neighboring countries to help Burma in difficult situations. Burma’s developmental failure was because of poor planning and management. The Burmese government gave the minorities a mini independence after the constitution. But still, the government required them to pay for funds by selling timber, gems, and minerals. Soon riots and protests arose because there wasn't any  more rice or money remaining. (2) 

   But on the other hand, Ne Win experimented with free trade, so he devalued the currency, as a result people lose their whole life saving. During the next vote, the ruler changed from Ne Win to Gen Sein Lwin who also used military force to stop protests. (2) In August 1988, there was the 8888 Uprising, where the open fire on protestors killed thousands of people. (6) The government arrested the leader of the protests, Aung San Suu Kyi also the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD), and the daughter of the nearly prime minister Aung San. (1) The government kept Aung San Suu Kyi in prison for 6 months to 4 years in different time intervals. 

   In May 1990, there was a change in countries name, and the capital, from Union of Burma to Union of Myanmar and from Rangoon to Yangon. (2) During the next election, Aung San Suu Kyi won the election by 392 out of 485, but she didn't get to become president, instead the government arrested her again. (6) In addition, Aung San Suu Kyi received a Nobel peace prize, but the Burmese government didn't allow her to get the prize. (1) In 2001, the ruler changed again from Gen Khint Nyunt to Gen Soe Win. There is an increase in tourists that visit Burma, and more than 1 million Chinese immigrate to Myanmar. (3) Than Shwe becomes the leading general, but at the same time, the UN got involved in helping the poor Burmese citizens. (8) But still Burma had a low economy, and the government formed wars between them and the ethnic groups. By 2005, there was more foreign aid, and by 2007, Burma formed ties with China, Russia, North Korea.(7) 

    Then Cyclone Nargis hit the Irrawaddy Delta destroying entire villages and causing 138,000 to die or go missing. But the UN disagreed and said that there were about 2.4 million people affected.(6) In, September 2007, Aung San Suu Kyi has her first sighting. In 2008, ethnic minorities still fought for more land and freedom, and there was a change of capital and national anthem, from Yangon to Naw Pyi Daw. (7)

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